
Bishops firmly believes that the curriculum includes far more than the timetabled lessons taught. Bishops follow the National Curriculum statement and the school seeks to help lay the spiritual, moral and physical foundations upon which children can build their future lives to be able to contribute fully to society.

students participate in a broad and innovative curriculum. All boys receive intensive instruction in basic literacy and numeracy in the Foundation Phase (Grades N - 3) and are also introduced to Afrikaans, Xhosa and Life Skills. In the Intermediate Phase (Grades 4-6) and in the first year of the Senior Phase (Grade 7) the following learning areas are taught: English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social Science, Life Orientation, Art and Design and Technology. Instruction is also given in Class Music which forms part of the Art and Culture learning area. In addition, Physical Education lessons are part of the weekly timetable.

The school is well-equipped and resourced. The classes are small and the majority of learning areas are taught in rooms equipped with their own computer and Smartboard technology. It also has a science laboratory, library, 2 computer laboratories and music centre and Design and Technology classroom. The school’s academic and pastoral teams operate side by side to monitor and develop every child’s development and close communication with parents is encouraged.